Again this year, we will focus the educational program on the scourge of bullying. As UNESCO says, "bullying for homophobia and transphobia is a universal problem that involves the violation of the rights of the students and impedes our collective ability to obtain a quality education for all." Given this situation, we must not lose sight of the fact that the behaviour and the attitude of teachers, non-teachers and adults are an example to be followed by students. We must bear in mind that silence and passivity against homotransphobic bullying make us accomplices. And what is even more serious: it legitimates harassment with an acceptable form of relationship.
To address all these issues in a different way we propose the viewing of a series of short films dealing with the proposed theme and a subsequent roundtable.
Jordi Samsó, Coordinator of the Educational Program
Again this year, we will focus the educational program on the scourge of bullying. As UNESCO says, "bullying for homophobia and transphobia is a universal problem that involves the violation of the rights of the students and impedes our collective ability to obtain a quality education for all." Given this situation, we must not lose sight of the fact that the behaviour and the attitude of teachers, non-teachers and adults are an example to be followed by students. We must bear in mind that silence and passivity against homotransphobic bullying make us accomplices. And what is even more serious: it legitimates harassment with an acceptable form of relationship.
To address all these issues in a different way we propose the viewing of a series of short films dealing with the proposed theme and a subsequent roundtable.
Jordi Samsó, Coordinator of the Educational Program